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Jixi e-commerce training where good

Release time: 2022-07-29 02:08:37
Jixi e-commerce training where good

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Graphic design works appear in front of people mostly through printing, so it is necessary to learn printing knowledge。As a graphic designer to master the pre-press technology, familiar with the printing process, understanding the post-press processing technology will bring endless charm to our design, the design is also good on paper, can be printed out, bring good works to consumers is the hard truth。The above are essential knowledge and ability to learn graphic design, without one, there is no shortcut to design, we only continue to practice and innovation, in order to slowly rise in the temper。

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Commercial design and artistic design obviously exist。Design is a purposeful planning, and graphic design is one of the forms that these plans will take. In graphic design, you need to use visual elements to spread your ideas and plans, and use words and graphics to convey information to the audience, so that people can understand your ideas and plans through these visual elements, which is the definition of our design。The bottom line for the survival of a visual work should be whether it has the energy to move others and whether it successfully conveys the information behind it. In fact, she is more like interpersonal relations, relying on charm to conquer the object。

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Use different methods to capture and highlight the unique characteristics of a product or theme,Make it clear,Put these features in the main visual part of the advertising screen,Or for drying treatment,So that the audience can feel the moment they touch the text picture,Generate attention and visual interest,To achieve the promotion purpose of stimulating the desire to buy。In advertising performance, these characteristics should be highlighted and rendered, generally by the unique personality image of the product with personality, the manufacturer's corporate logo, the product's trademark, etc., to determine。Highlighting is also a very commonly used expression technique that we commonly use, which is one of the important methods to highlight the theme of advertising, and has a performance value that can not be ignored。

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Jixi e-commerce training where good

Product packaging may include logos or other works of art, choreographed text and pure design elements such as stylized images, shapes, sizes and colors。Composition is one of the more important characteristics of graphic design, especially when the product uses pre-existing materials or multiple elements are fused。Design is a kind of artistic creation activity based on commercial environment, which is different from art. Design is a kind of work or occupation, and it is a kind of modeling activity with beauty, use and memorial functions。Design is built on the basis of business and the public, is to serve them, so as to produce commercial value and artistic value, different from the scope of individual or part of the group appreciation of art。